Learning legal vocabulary in Portuguese can be a valuable asset for anyone aiming to work, study, or live in a Portuguese-speaking country. Whether you’re a lawyer, a student of law, or simply someone who wants to be well-prepared for any legal situation, understanding these terms is essential. This comprehensive guide will introduce you to some of the most important legal terms in Portuguese, helping you build a solid foundation in this specialized vocabulary.
Basic Legal Terms
Let’s start with some fundamental legal terms that you’ll encounter in various contexts:
1. **Law** – Lei
– Example: “A lei proíbe roubar.” (The law prohibits stealing.)
2. **Court** – Tribunal
– Example: “O tribunal decidiu a favor do réu.” (The court ruled in favor of the defendant.)
3. **Judge** – Juiz / Juíza (male/female)
– Example: “O juiz anunciou o veredito.” (The judge announced the verdict.)
4. **Lawyer** – Advogado / Advogada (male/female)
– Example: “Minha advogada me representará no tribunal.” (My lawyer will represent me in court.)
5. **Defendant** – Réu / Ré (male/female)
– Example: “O réu foi considerado culpado.” (The defendant was found guilty.)
6. **Plaintiff** – Autor / Autora (male/female)
– Example: “O autor da ação judicial apresentou provas.” (The plaintiff presented evidence.)
7. **Guilty** – Culpado / Culpada (male/female)
– Example: “Ele foi declarado culpado pelo júri.” (He was found guilty by the jury.)
8. **Innocent** – Inocente
– Example: “Ela foi considerada inocente.” (She was found innocent.)
9. **Crime** – Crime
– Example: “Roubar é um crime.” (Stealing is a crime.)
10. **Sentence** – Sentença
– Example: “A sentença foi de cinco anos de prisão.” (The sentence was five years in prison.)
Common Legal Processes
Understanding the processes within the legal system is crucial. Here are some common terms related to legal procedures:
1. **Arrest** – Prisão
– Example: “A prisão do suspeito foi efetuada ontem.” (The suspect’s arrest was made yesterday.)
2. **Trial** – Julgamento
– Example: “O julgamento começará na próxima semana.” (The trial will begin next week.)
3. **Investigation** – Investigação
– Example: “A investigação está em andamento.” (The investigation is ongoing.)
4. **Bail** – Fiança
– Example: “Ele pagou a fiança e foi liberado.” (He paid bail and was released.)
5. **Appeal** – Apelação
– Example: “A apelação foi negada pelo tribunal.” (The appeal was denied by the court.)
6. **Witness** – Testemunha
– Example: “A testemunha prestou depoimento.” (The witness gave testimony.)
7. **Evidence** – Evidência
– Example: “A evidência foi apresentada ao juiz.” (The evidence was presented to the judge.)
8. **Verdict** – Veredito
– Example: “O veredito foi anunciado na sexta-feira.” (The verdict was announced on Friday.)
9. **Prosecution** – Acusação
– Example: “A acusação apresentou seu caso.” (The prosecution presented its case.)
10. **Defense** – Defesa
– Example: “A defesa argumentou que ele é inocente.” (The defense argued that he is innocent.)
Types of Crimes
Knowing the different types of crimes can help you understand legal discussions better. Here are some of the most common types of crimes in Portuguese:
1. **Theft** – Roubo
– Example: “Ele foi preso por roubo.” (He was arrested for theft.)
2. **Murder** – Assassinato
– Example: “O assassinato chocou a comunidade.” (The murder shocked the community.)
3. **Fraud** – Fraude
– Example: “Ela foi acusada de fraude financeira.” (She was accused of financial fraud.)
4. **Assault** – Agressão
– Example: “A agressão foi capturada em vídeo.” (The assault was captured on video.)
5. **Kidnapping** – Sequestro
– Example: “O sequestro da criança foi solucionado.” (The child’s kidnapping was resolved.)
6. **Drug Trafficking** – Tráfico de Drogas
– Example: “Ele foi condenado por tráfico de drogas.” (He was convicted of drug trafficking.)
7. **Domestic Violence** – Violência Doméstica
– Example: “Ela denunciou violência doméstica.” (She reported domestic violence.)
8. **Embezzlement** – Desfalque
– Example: “O desfalque foi descoberto após uma auditoria.” (The embezzlement was discovered after an audit.)
9. **Bribery** – Suborno
– Example: “Ele foi pego aceitando suborno.” (He was caught accepting bribes.)
10. **Cybercrime** – Cibercrime
– Example: “O cibercrime está em ascensão.” (Cybercrime is on the rise.)
Legal Documentation
Legal processes often involve a lot of documentation. Familiarize yourself with these key terms:
1. **Contract** – Contrato
– Example: “O contrato foi assinado pelas duas partes.” (The contract was signed by both parties.)
2. **Will** – Testamento
– Example: “O testamento foi lido após a morte dele.” (The will was read after his death.)
3. **Affidavit** – Declaração
– Example: “Ele assinou uma declaração sob juramento.” (He signed an affidavit under oath.)
4. **Subpoena** – Intimação
– Example: “Ele recebeu uma intimação para comparecer ao tribunal.” (He received a subpoena to appear in court.)
5. **License** – Licença
– Example: “Ele obteve uma licença para operar o negócio.” (He obtained a license to operate the business.)
6. **Deed** – Escritura
– Example: “A escritura da casa foi transferida para o novo proprietário.” (The deed to the house was transferred to the new owner.)
7. **Patent** – Patente
– Example: “Ele registrou uma patente para sua invenção.” (He registered a patent for his invention.)
8. **Trademark** – Marca Registrada
– Example: “A marca registrada protege o nome da empresa.” (The trademark protects the company’s name.)
9. **Lease** – Contrato de Locação
– Example: “Eles assinaram um contrato de locação para o apartamento.” (They signed a lease for the apartment.)
10. **Certificate** – Certificado
– Example: “Ele recebeu um certificado de conclusão.” (He received a certificate of completion.)
Legal Entities and Roles
Understanding the different roles and entities within the legal system can help you navigate it more effectively:
1. **Attorney General** – Procurador-Geral
– Example: “O Procurador-Geral apresentou o caso ao tribunal.” (The Attorney General presented the case to the court.)
2. **Public Defender** – Defensor Público
– Example: “O defensor público representou o réu.” (The public defender represented the defendant.)
3. **Prosecutor** – Promotor / Promotora (male/female)
– Example: “O promotor buscou uma sentença mais dura.” (The prosecutor sought a harsher sentence.)
4. **Bailiff** – Oficial de Justiça
– Example: “O oficial de justiça manteve a ordem no tribunal.” (The bailiff maintained order in the court.)
5. **Jury** – Júri
– Example: “O júri deliberou por várias horas.” (The jury deliberated for several hours.)
6. **Notary** – Tabelião / Tabeliã (male/female)
– Example: “O tabelião autenticou o documento.” (The notary authenticated the document.)
7. **Clerk** – Escrivão / Escrivã (male/female)
– Example: “O escrivão registrou a audiência.” (The clerk recorded the hearing.)
8. **Plaintiff’s Attorney** – Advogado do Autor
– Example: “O advogado do autor argumentou o caso.” (The plaintiff’s attorney argued the case.)
9. **Defendant’s Attorney** – Advogado do Réu
– Example: “O advogado do réu apresentou a defesa.” (The defendant’s attorney presented the defense.)
10. **Legal Advisor** – Assessor Jurídico
– Example: “Ele consultou um assessor jurídico antes de tomar a decisão.” (He consulted a legal advisor before making the decision.)
Legal Actions and Procedures
Legal actions and procedures can vary, but these terms are fundamental:
1. **Lawsuit** – Ação Judicial
– Example: “Eles entraram com uma ação judicial contra a empresa.” (They filed a lawsuit against the company.)
2. **Settlement** – Acordo
– Example: “As partes chegaram a um acordo fora do tribunal.” (The parties reached a settlement out of court.)
3. **Hearing** – Audiencia
– Example: “A audiencia foi marcada para a próxima segunda-feira.” (The hearing was scheduled for next Monday.)
4. **Deposition** – Depoimento
– Example: “O depoimento foi gravado em vídeo.” (The deposition was recorded on video.)
5. **Injunction** – Liminar
– Example: “O juiz concedeu uma liminar para impedir a demolição.” (The judge granted an injunction to stop the demolition.)
6. **Summons** – Citação
– Example: “Ele recebeu uma citação para comparecer ao tribunal.” (He received a summons to appear in court.)
7. **Plea** – Petição
– Example: “O réu apresentou uma petição de inocência.” (The defendant entered a plea of innocence.)
8. **Testimony** – Testemunho
– Example: “O testemunho da vítima foi crucial.” (The victim’s testimony was crucial.)
9. **Motion** – Moção
– Example: “O advogado apresentou uma moção para desconsiderar a prova.” (The lawyer filed a motion to dismiss the evidence.)
10. **Judgment** – Julgamento
– Example: “O julgamento foi favorável ao autor.” (The judgment was in favor of the plaintiff.)
Understanding Portuguese legal vocabulary can significantly enhance your ability to navigate legal situations in Portuguese-speaking countries. This guide has provided you with essential terms across various legal contexts. Remember, consistent practice and exposure to these terms in real-life situations will help solidify your understanding. Whether you’re reading legal documents, attending court sessions, or simply discussing legal matters, being familiar with these terms will give you a substantial advantage. Happy learning!