Common Words for Medical Emergencies in Portuguese

Medical emergencies are situations that can be stressful and frightening, especially when you are in a foreign country where you don’t speak the language fluently. If you ever find yourself in Brazil or Portugal and need to communicate during a medical emergency, knowing some common Portuguese words and phrases can be incredibly helpful. This guide aims to equip you with the essential vocabulary and expressions you might need in such situations.

Basic Emergency Vocabulary

Understanding and being able to use basic emergency terms can make a big difference. Here are some common words you might need:

– **Emergência**: Emergency
– **Ajuda**: Help
– **Socorro**: Help/Rescue
– **Médico**: Doctor
– **Hospital**: Hospital
– **Enfermeiro/Enfermeira**: Nurse (male/female)
– **Ambulância**: Ambulance
– **Farmácia**: Pharmacy
– **Medicamento**: Medication
– **Dor**: Pain

Common Phrases for Medical Emergencies

Being able to form complete phrases can be crucial. Here are some phrases that could be useful:

– **Preciso de ajuda!**: I need help!
– **Chame uma ambulância!**: Call an ambulance!
– **Onde está o hospital mais próximo?**: Where is the nearest hospital?
– **Estou com dor.**: I am in pain.
– **Ele/Ela está inconsciente.**: He/She is unconscious.
– **Tenho alergia a…**: I am allergic to…
– **Preciso de um médico.**: I need a doctor.
– **O que aconteceu?**: What happened?
– **Você está bem?**: Are you okay?

Specific Symptoms and Conditions

It’s essential to describe your symptoms accurately. Here are some terms and phrases for specific symptoms and conditions:

– **Dor de cabeça**: Headache
– **Dor de estômago**: Stomachache
– **Febre**: Fever
– **Tontura**: Dizziness
– **Náusea**: Nausea
– **Vômito**: Vomiting
– **Desmaio**: Fainting
– **Ferida**: Wound
– **Fratura**: Fracture
– **Infecção**: Infection
– **Queimadura**: Burn
– **Inchaço**: Swelling

For example:

– **Estou com dor de cabeça.**: I have a headache.
– **Ele está com febre.**: He has a fever.
– **Ela desmaiou.**: She fainted.

Describing Pain

Being able to describe the type and intensity of pain can help healthcare providers understand your condition better:

– **Aguda**: Sharp
– **Crônica**: Chronic
– **Constante**: Constant
– **Intermitente**: Intermittent
– **Leve**: Mild
– **Forte**: Severe
– **Latejante**: Throbbing

For instance:

– **A dor é aguda e constante.**: The pain is sharp and constant.
– **Tenho uma dor latejante no braço.**: I have a throbbing pain in my arm.

Medical Procedures and Treatments

Understanding some basic terms related to medical procedures and treatments can also be beneficial:

– **Exame**: Exam/Test
– **Raio-X**: X-ray
– **Cirurgia**: Surgery
– **Injeção**: Injection
– **Curativo**: Bandage
– **Gesso**: Cast
– **Receita**: Prescription
– **Consulta**: Consultation
– **Diagnóstico**: Diagnosis

For example:

– **Eu preciso de um raio-X.**: I need an X-ray.
– **Ele vai precisar de cirurgia.**: He will need surgery.
– **Você tem uma receita para este medicamento?**: Do you have a prescription for this medication?

Communicating with Healthcare Providers

Knowing how to communicate effectively with healthcare providers can ease the process significantly:

– **Você pode falar mais devagar, por favor?**: Can you speak more slowly, please?
– **Pode me explicar isso?**: Can you explain this to me?
– **Eu não entendo.**: I don’t understand.
– **Eu preciso de um tradutor.**: I need a translator.
– **Qual é o meu diagnóstico?**: What is my diagnosis?
– **Quais são os efeitos colaterais?**: What are the side effects?
– **Quanto tempo vai durar a recuperação?**: How long will the recovery take?

Contact Information and Personal Details

You might need to provide your contact information and some personal details:

– **Nome**: Name
– **Endereço**: Address
– **Telefone**: Phone number
– **Data de nascimento**: Date of birth
– **Seguro de saúde**: Health insurance
– **Contato de emergência**: Emergency contact

For example:

– **Meu nome é [Seu Nome].**: My name is [Your Name].
– **Meu telefone é [Seu Número de Telefone].**: My phone number is [Your Phone Number].
– **Eu tenho seguro de saúde.**: I have health insurance.

Emergency Contacts

It’s essential to know the emergency contact numbers in the country you are visiting:

– **Número de emergência (Brasil): 192**: Emergency number (Brazil): 192
– **Número de emergência (Portugal): 112**: Emergency number (Portugal): 112

Pharmacy and Medication

When visiting a pharmacy, it’s helpful to know certain terms:

– **Analgésico**: Painkiller
– **Antibiótico**: Antibiotic
– **Antisséptico**: Antiseptic
– **Receita médica**: Medical prescription
– **Sem receita**: Over-the-counter
– **Posologia**: Dosage

For instance:

– **Você tem um analgésico?**: Do you have a painkiller?
– **Preciso de um antibiótico sem receita.**: I need an over-the-counter antibiotic.
– **Qual é a posologia deste medicamento?**: What is the dosage for this medication?


Being prepared with the right vocabulary can make a significant difference during medical emergencies in a Portuguese-speaking country. The words and phrases outlined above will help you communicate more effectively with healthcare providers and ensure you get the assistance you need promptly. Remember, in an emergency, clear communication is key, so don’t hesitate to ask for a translator if you need one. Stay safe and take care!